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NOVASPACE is the brand new electrohouse project from Australian DJ/producer Danny Coggin. He may be fresh to the US electronic music scene, but his productions have been internationally renowned for the last decade. Throughout his career he has created original tracks and remixes with artists such as Headhunterz, Rize, Essi, Cascada, Dyce, Marie Louise, Ashley Lawson, Melissa Fuller, Ellie, Emma, Jenna C, Djoir Jordan, Lucci, Minx, C&C, Sammy Taylor, Elle Vee, and ESC Project.

Coggin’s previous releases can be found on a myriad of labels including INTO THE AM Records, Executive Records, Recycled Records, Can You Feel It Media, Hard Dance UK and Universal Dance Australia. His productions have allowed him to share his love of high energy dance music with fans all throughout Europe and Australia including notable performances at two of the U.K.’s biggest festivals, Creamfields and God’s Kitchen. As NOVASPACE, Coggin is ready to bring his dance floor bangers to EDM fans all across the US.


Since a kid, music has been my outlet for self-expression. Every artist comes from different backgrounds and has different reasons why they choose to enter the world of music, but at the end of the day we all share one common calling: to make people forget and release for a brief moment in time.



Home Town: Stockholm, Sweden (grew up in San Francisco since seven)
Currently Living: Los Angeles, CA
Origin Of Name: Novaspace was formulated after a conversation I had with a friend about the music I make. They made a comment how my sound is “super nova” and I replied with, “It’s to please the space cadets” and thus Novaspace was created.
Weapon of Choice: My MacBook Pro so whenever inspiration strikes I am prepared.
Source of Power: Styles and Breeze, ATB, Ferry Corsten, Depeche Mode, Armin Van Buuren and Madeon

Was there one particular moment in the recording or mixing process for your Discovery Project entry that made you feel like you were creating something pretty damn special?
It was the reaction I got from my fans, friends and family when I revealed my final submission. Then and there I felt validated that what I had created was truly unique.

Are there any dots to connect with where/how you grew up to your musical output?
I have a strong musical background and always knew it was the creation of sound that completed me. I have been DJing since I was 13 and my mother has always been my biggest supporter. From buying me my first Technic 1200 turntables, driving me to my gigs and putting up with my late night mini raves I held in my room, lol.

So your parents are down with what you are doing?
My father passed away just over a year ago but he made sure before he left he told me how proud he was of me and how much him and mom believe in what I am trying to achieve.

What’s the strangest part of your job?
How much effect my music has over people! It amazes and humbles me when fans approach me because they love something that I have created.

What’s the biggest misconception about being a DJ?
It’s not as easy as it looks. It takes talent, dedication and a whole lot of heart to make it.

Tell me about your most memorable night out.
As a fan (not as a DJ) it was Ferry Corsten—he played a packed house at Family nightclub in Brisbane Australia a few years back and I have to admit he blew my mind!

Do you have any memorable moments from past EDC’s or any other Insomniac party?
Wonderland would have to be the standout for me so far. I really enjoyed every moment of being there.

How does what you do for a living affect you on a day-to-day basis?
Friends and family see how much blood, sweat and tears (and money) I’ve poured into my passion…I’ve receive nothing but support from them. I am not saying it’s not a struggle but it’s worth it.

What is your ultimate career dream?
To see my track’s on over a million iPods. #International.

Are you impulsive with your work or do you have a sketch in mind before you start?
I am extremely impulsive. I wake up in the morning with a clear vision of how my track will sound then by lunchtime it’s completely been restructured.

How, if at all, does listening to music figure into your creative process?
I definitely find inspiration from other artists but my creative process is something that is my own.

What’s the most important piece of gear in your studio?
Logic 9 and my plugins. Without these it would be impossible to do what I do.

How important is it for you to experiment and take on the risk of failure?
Nothing good ever comes from playing it safe.

If we pressed Shuffle on your iPod while you went to the bathroom, what would you be embarrassed to come back to us listening to?
If my iPod was being listened to everybody would be dancing. I guarantee you.

What sound or noise do you love?
I am in love with Nexus, Massive & Omnisphere. I use a lot of these in my production.

What should everyone just shut the fuck up about?
Would have to say trap.

What gets you excited when you think about the future of electronic music and club culture?
The fact that it’s becoming more socially recognized and loved—it’s exciting. I know, I’ve been hooked since I was a kid and think it’s great the younger generation is enjoying it. Onward and upward!

When you look at electronic music and the surrounding culture, what worries you about the future?
Being unique is slowly fading. This needs to change—no artist should be told how to sound. You wouldn’t tell Picasso how to paint so why should we, as artists, be sculpted to resemble one another. Embrace the new!

What are your weaknesses?
Biting off more than I can chew (literally).

Do you have a secret passion?
Fitness and food.

How would you describe your sound to a deaf person?
Like a brain orgasm.

Is success physical or internal?
Being successful starts internal and becomes physical. What is deemed as success is only valued by the person willing to raise their own bar and go for a personal goal.

What do you remember about your first DJ gig?
I was a skinny little kid back in those days, so I remember carrying my record case to the venue and it was fucking heavy. But from that night on, I knew what I wanted to do with my life—rock crowds from all over the world.

What’s the hardest professional lesson you’ve learned thus far?
The rejection can be difficult at times but it has grounded me and made me the person I am today.

Do you have a favorite all-time mixed CD or series?
Guilty pleasure is “Bonkers.”

What advice would you offer someone thinking about entering the Discovery Project competition?
The Discovery Project is a great way to get your name out and to get a feel for the scene. I’d say to anybody considering, if you have the passion and the talent to back it up, what do you have to loose? Go for it!

Winning Track:



Winning Mix:



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