Mass Prod
Genre: Electronic
Origin: Italy
Martino Marini’s Mass Prod is a project engaging in different fields of electronic music, from house and techno to experimental and ambient electronics. Deep, maniacal research on analog production, raw drums, futuristic, ‘out-of-space’ harmonics are all integral parts of his signature sound. To push the dance floor experience a bit further, somewhere else…someplace new, is the goal.
Fast or slow, harsh or mellow, the aim is also to get a hypnotic communion, a tribute to the power of our bodies vibrating at the same speed. Music as an unconscious way to bring back memories from our past and bring to life a new way of understanding present changes.
Good to mention his own imprint, Wo_land. Recently closing a distribution deal with the Londoner institution Honest Jons, Wo_land is a laboratory for sonic experiments and romantic escapism , gravitating around the Marmeria Studios in his hometown Genova.