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The bass subgenres are a common gateway into dance music for metal-heads. There are obvious parallels making the transition a smooth one: wailing riffs, a rebellious state of mind, overly aggressive energy, and headbanging to the point of needing a neck brace. Before Oakland’s Sayer started shredding the speaker stacks with his tripped-out, mind-mangling tunes, he was bouncing between rock bands, trying to incite the next mosh pit. He’s channeling those early hand-horn influences properly on the two-tracker that’s surfacing on Bassrush today.

“With these tracks, I tried to capture the raw energy of the punk and metal I grew up listening to,” Sayer tells Insomniac. “The kind of tunes you feel more than you hear—the kind that bring kids together in half-lit basements-turned-saunas. Couldn’t be more stoked to add them to Bassrush Records.”

Taking the first swing is “Selkie,” a chiseled 8-bit slab of low-end that gets part of its churning nature from Bay Area–based collaborator Boats. Sayer takes the wheel on “Ride or Die,” which rumbles through distorted bottom-end, intense arpegs and bellowing vocal stabs from your worst nightmare. Both bits are up for grabs at no cost, so handle your business below.

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