Genre: Techno
Origin: None
In the vast, chilly expanse of the cosmic dark, one enigmatic glow pierces the blackness – the luminescence of Anoluxx. This technologically augmented entity is a formidable force of pure energy, articulating its power through pulsating, futuristic beats. Drawing inspiration from the shadowy realms of cyberpunk, Anoluxx is carving a distinct trail forward, emboldened by a unique sense of style and strategic cunning.
The music of Anoluxx echoes the deeper, more sinister nuances of techno, demonstrating the creature’s inherent adaptability to transverse any sonic territory. Marrying elements from past eras with modern times, Anoluxx offers a harmonious blend of the traditional and the innovative. The entity at the core of Anoluxx remains an enigma, gradually revealing itself as time unwinds…
Since their inception in November, Anoluxx’s radiant light has drawn over 250k listeners, garnering substantial support from Soave on Spotify. In a testament to their extraordinary talents, Spotify’s curators handpicked two of their electrifying tracks for one of their most frequented playlists. The maiden music video for “ID666” has captivated audiences, racking up 11k views and counting.
Anoluxx is now eagerly anticipating bringing the experience to live audiences at festivals and nightclubs. The journey continues to unfold…