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We got some sound advice, wit and wisdom from some of the world’s top DJs. Today’s question:

What’s your secret weapon?

Benny Benassi
Benny Benassi

Alle Benassi, my cousin and producer. We are a team! Everything that is Benny Benassi is a collaboration between Alle and me. Even with “Satisfaction,” the credit goes to Alle; he wrote the riff, which was inspired by the sound of car horns he heard from a hotel window, which he configured into that pattern. Amazing! Then we worked together in the studio finishing it off and adding the vocal lines.


Taking life as it comes, not overanalyzing, but letting the path draw itself in front of me. Although I am very passionate and dedicated, I put things in perspective and always have in the back of my mind that it is not ultimately important for me to be successful. This allows me to stay playful onstage, in the studio and beyond.

Pierce Fulton
Pierce Fulton

Patience. I think having the ability to hold onto a piece of music (in progress) in order to better the song is my secret weapon. Sometimes it takes a year or two for certain tracks, sometimes just a month, but being patient will always provide a better outcome. Also, patience is not the same as being lazy/procrastinating, haha… call it “active patience.”


Something sweet and something salty, of course! Peanut M&Ms and beef jerky are on our rider, along with Starbucks iced coffee. We figure a good, healthy diet is the best way to get ready for a show, and we incorporate all three major food groups: chocolate, caffeine and salt. Ha!

Yellow Claw
Yellow Claw

I think that we basically only play our own music. For the past year, our goal was to create a full and worthy set of Yellow Claw music.

Glitch Mob
Glitch Mob

Imagination. We see ourselves as curators of an experience for our fans, but we don’t determine what that experience is. We are having the same experience along with everyone else. That’s why we try to leave our song titles, album titles and art somewhat open-ended. We want people to determine what the music means to them, to incorporate it into their lives, and not take our own interpretation as the real one, because theirs is just as valid.

Mark Knight
Mark Knight

Hard work. If you want something bad enough and you work hard enough, you’ll get it. Everyone has this at their disposal if they’re willing to apply it. You have to get out there and make it happen, and the opportunities will present themselves. I’m prepared to work harder than the next man to get what I want to get.

Cassettes Won’t Listen
Cassettes Won't Listen

Ableton, MPC, weed.


That would be my fingerprint energetic sound inspired by the action in clubs and festivals and made to move people on the dancefloor. My productions and DJ sets are all about creating good, strong energy for body and soul to respond to.

Henry Fong
Henry Fong

Probably my edits and mashups. I spend a lot of time prepping and making them before my shows. A DJ’s own mashups really give the crowd a unique experience. I try to use a lot of throwback ‘90s dance tracks in my edits; it’s fun, and everyone knows the tracks!



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