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EDC is just around the corner, which means the majority of you have all your things packed and ready to go by the door, your game plan and itinerary in hand. Here is where I come in. See, last year, I made some rookie mistakes I really shouldn’t have. I’m going to bare them all for you now so you don’t suffer like I did!

1. Set a Meeting Place


My group got separated for the majority of the first night. It happened when we were all looking at the big, fire-breathing art installation El Pulpo. A little fire and neon paint, and BOOM—we were separated. Set a meeting place, guys; it’ll take less than five seconds to figure out but could be a lifesaver later on. Trust.

2. Avoid Going Too Hard


You’re in Vegas for three consecutive nights of the biggest music and art festival in the US. It’s time to freak out, hit the pool parties, gamble, gather as much glitter as humanly possible—just go for it. The only thing I beg you not to do? Go too hard. Have fun and make amazing memories; just do it right!

3. Don’t Waste Your Valuable Time


Last year, I had every artist and set time memorized and down to a science; I wanted to proceed according to the “itinerary,” with no exceptions. That didn’t allow me to have all that much fun, if you can imagine, and I didn’t even realize it until the final night. If I can stress one thing, it’s that it’s never, ever that serious. EDC was created for us to enjoy, make epic memories, and above all, have fun. Forget the plan, and just the let the Electric Sky guide you!

4. Remember Where You Parked Your Car


ALWAYS have a method to the madness: Exit from the same entrance whence you came, so as not to get turned around when leaving. Drop a pin where the car is parked, leave a trail of pixie dust; I don’t care. Just find a way to make it back to your car with as little hassle as possible. Do it for your own sanity. If you carpool, pay special attention to #9.

5. Choose the Right Footwear


Girls, don’t wear heels. I know they’re cute, and they might perfectly match that cute outfit you’ve been planning to wear for several months, but it’s so incredibly not worth it. And if you must buy a new pair of shoes, break them in before you get to EDC. My advice? Bring those everyday, always-got-your-back (and soles) shoes. Your feet will thank you.

6. Don’t Skimp on the Essentials


On one of the nights, I completely forgot to charge my phone—which, as you know, is a thrilling experience. Don’t forget your charger (and don’t use your phone the entire time—see #8). Bring a small carrier for the must-brings, like your ID. Be smart about what you need, and it will make your whole night go smoothly!

7. Take Actual Care of Yourself


I can’t stress enough how important it is to stay hydrated. Not only are you in the middle of the desert, but you’re also dancing, drinking, running, etc. In short, your body is working on overtime and it needs your support. Don’t find yourself dizzy and laid out on the grass due to dehydration like I was. Drink that H2O, eat that sandwich—it takes a lot of energy to party for three days in the desert!

8. Stay Off the God-Dang Instagram


While posting pics and videos from time to time is fine, don’t let your need for social media distract you from the amazing things happening right in front of you. Look around, bang your head, and be in the moment! This happens one weekend a year; social media will be there when the party is over.

9. Leave No Raver Behind


Under the Electric Sky, we are all family. However, be sure to leave with the crew you came with. You’re a team; don’t assume the friend who got separated from the group is okay on their own. Go forth and look for them—and perhaps find a few new friends in the process!

10. Go Exploring


EDC LV is too big not to explore; there’s something to discover around ever corner on the Speedway. Don’t be a sucker like I was and not check out all the installations, the art cars, the parade—everything EDC has to offer. There’s so much to take in and do: Write on someone’s arm, buy a fellow raver a drink, take part in a conga line, get married, or mail a postcard to a buddy who couldn’t make it. The possibilities are endless. Try to explore everything EDC has to offer.

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