10 Tips for Staying BFFs on a Road Trip
I love my friends. They’re awesome. But trap me in a car with one for more than a day, and the pleasant excitement that was so much fun at the outset of a road trip can steadily spool into unprecedented tension. However, that doesn’t mean any love must be lost between you and your BFF along the way. With these 10 tips, you’ll be pounding that ritual double-double, sitting back, and enjoying a few laughs on the open road.
Be on Time
Starting off behind schedule is a great way to peeve the whole car. Nobody wants to be late to the action, and if your dillydallying is the reason everyone gets stuck in rush-hour traffic, you’re already a crappy carpool buddy. Don’t be that person.
Share the Tunes
Music belongs to everybody, and even if you’re the one driving, there’s no reason why other people can’t share some tunes with the group. This is one of the best opportunities to really get to know someone on a road trip; don’t squander it by dominating the radio.
Take Turns Driving
One of the tricks of carpooling is making sure everyone is on an even keel. Fatigue sets in pretty hard after more than five or six hours, so why not give the driver a rest and let someone else take over? In addition to the sense of fairness it will lend the group, sharing the wheel can make long road trips much more expeditious.
Communicate Clearly and Succinctly
You’ll save a lot of stress by communicating clearly and succinctly with those in the car. Clarity is important because it spares another person confusion, which can be taxing over an extended road trip. Succinctness is important because it opens up the car conversation to questions and prevents a rambling mouth from antagonizing a stressed-out friend.
Sometimes, Silence Is Golden
If the stress is already setting in, here’s a pro tip: shut up. Frustration from being stuck in a metal box? Don’t vent it on the friends who are there with you. Also, talking too much may cause you to miss a beautiful moment of peaceful bliss in sightseeing or song. Enjoy those moments. They’re important.
Make Culinary Compromises
A lot of people have dietary restrictions, or they just don’t want to chow down disagreeable food. While everyone has their own culinary preferences, I firmly believe that nobody should be a slave to the diet of another. I also believe eating can be an adventure, and sometimes it’s good to trust a friend and see where the food takes you. In other words, discuss your eating options, and be willing to try something new. You can also hit a strip mall where several options are available.
Share the Charging Station
Phones aren’t immortal. They die all the time. If you’re hogging the charging station, chances are your navigator has a phone that is slowly dying. Give them a chance to charge up from time to time, and it’ll make for a smoother ride along the way.
Consider Hygiene
Do you smell? It’s a tough question to answer without a moment of hesitation, but the truth is that everyone does, and over time it just gets worse. Unless you’re somehow endowed with the fragrance of fresh cherry cobbler, nobody really wants to smell you. So, do those around you a favor and hop in the car freshly showered—and don’t forget your deodorant.
You (Smell Like You) Are What You Eat
Just like other smells, bad breath can make just about any carpool tough to bear. Stop bad breath before it starts by carefully choosing what you eat. Hold the onions, and maybe go light on the garlic. In the case of dietary slip-ups, bring some minty gum (and remember to share!).
Say Thanks and Settle Up
I’ve seen a lot of folks lose friends over money. Don’t let that happen. Be clear about how costs like gas and parking should be shared by all the people in the car, so there are no surprises. That way, when you arrive at your destination, it’s easy to settle up, say thanks and start the fun.
Use these tips, and your next trip should be smooth sailing. Is there anything I missed? Comment below and tell us how you make your carpool awesome.
Get behind the wheel of Graham’s life on his Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.