5 Things I Learned in 2014
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If there’s one thing life has taught us, it’s that nothing is constant. Change, new challenges, and unexpected circumstances will forever attempt to make dents in our world. Love it and celebrate it, because you’re never going to change it. Life is about turning all the random craziness into a series of lessons—and realizing you know less than you think you know. Always be learning, people.
With that in mind, we asked a few DJs and producers to tell us some things life taught them in 2014. Perhaps a few of their observations will keep you from learning something the hard way. Or not. Glean what you will from these nuggets of info.
Danny Howard
- Deep house took over in the UK, which was an amazing thing!
- Learnt how to drive on the right side in Ibiza… Because the UK is weird, and we drive on the left. Also, Spanish drivers are pretty crazy!
- Kale is actually a vegetable, not a fish—and I’m not even blonde.
- Ableton is king. I use it for everything now!
- Berocca and Nurofen are my preferred hangover cure—it’s got me through some sore heads.
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- I really do love living in Los Angeles—minus the traffic!
- I learned how to clean and prep sea urchin.
- Pilates.
- Joseph Capriati really loves to celebrate Thanksgiving.
- Escamoles (ant larvae) are absolutely delicious.
Follow Dubfire on Facebook | Twitter
- Making music on the road. We spend so much time touring that we had to figure out a way to write music while on the road. Using Audeze headphones and a SubPac definitely helped.
- Having a Jägermeister tap machine in a green room is not a good idea. Well, you can probably guess why…
- Australian skate parks are sick. We’ve skated so many parks there, and the quality and diversity of them is just insane! Some of the best skate parks worldwide.
- We suck at beer pong. We’re French—what can we say.
- Buying guitars is a never-ending story. It’s an addiction, and our collection is getting bigger.
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Junior Sanchez
- Everything is smoke and mirrors in social media; maintaining a real and honest connection with your viral fan base goes way further than having a fake profile and fan base.
- Everything happens in its due time!
- Staying creative will always win over following the herd.
- Planned obsolescence is very real, lol.
- Meditation helps everything inside and out!
Follow Junior Sanchez on Facebook | Twitter
- Doing the Alkaline Diet definitely changed a huge portion of my life.
- Many new mixing and sampling techniques
- Where my new favorite place to get tea is.
- Various methods to keep my perspective in check.
- How valuable TSA pre screening is.
- If you keep on working hard, you can accomplish more than you ever wished for!
- Always bring backup USBs or SDs on tour.
- Tequila on your rider is asking for trouble.
- Do not Snapchat after tequila.
- I love lobster poutine.
Follow MOTi on Facebook | Twitter
Promise Land
- Ignorance is a bad enemy.
- Work with people that are moved by passion.
- EDM needs authors and not interpreters.
- We’re able to lie as we often say, “We’ll call you back” and don’t always keep to our word!
- There’s no better place to grow your skills but at Wonder Management in Italy.
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My Digital Enemy
- Massive from Native Instruments is the best plugin to make filthy UK basslines!
- Always back up your main studio computer hard drive, as this year our main one blew up, and we spent two weeks of hell panicking about getting all the data retrieved.
- The USA has a wicked deep house scene bubbling up… things are looking up.
- Babies take up your mornings from about 3am onward!
- Croatia is made up of lots and lots of little islands, one of which is a wicked party island.
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