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To preface this, I should admit that I have a shy side that rivals only that of people who were home-schooled. I am from a very small town in a very rural state and had little in common with the people I grew up with. I was bullied as a child and subsequently like to keep to myself. Book characters have and always will be my best friends. However, since moving to Los Angeles, I found myself branching out and tying to break down some of the barriers I have kept as invisible shields for years.

When a friend brought up the idea of going to the inaugural Woogie Weekend music festival put on by the Do Lab, I was intrigued and a little nervous. In the end, I decided to go. I’ll admit there were moments where I felt like I was on the verge of an emotional breakdown, but on the whole, it was an experience I will never forget. Here’s what I learned:

Plan Ahead

Music festival organizers are great at providing set lists, maps, answers to FAQs, and great articles ahead of the event. Having sets that I for sure wanted to see meant I had places I needed to be at certain times. Having a game plan was great for moments when I was unsure of myself. I planned out snacks and other amenities that would lift my spirit when I was feeling overwhelmed. Because I planned ahead, I also knew when would be a good time to take a few moments to myself. I had never camped before, so planning ahead and making sure I had the appropriate items went a long way, especially since it rained most of the weekend.

Enjoy the Music

While this seems like a no-brainer, there were times where I would notice myself not really listening to the music and slipping into negative thinking. “Am I dancing weird?” “Maybe I am not dressed right.” These were two frequent worries I couldn’t shake the entire weekend. During times like these, I had to turn off what was worrying me and just focus on the song that was playing. It didn’t have to be my favorite DJ; heck, I didn’t even need to know who was playing. But focusing on the songs pulled me out of any anxiety that could strike.

Bring Friends

While I know several people that would rather go to a festival by themselves, I was very happy to have a group of people I could stick with when I had free times. Once in a while, I would wander off to visit another stage or just poke around the festival grounds. There was a huge tent between the two stages that I would go back to from time to time, and I always found an interesting group of people inside. If I did happen to get overwhelmed, however, finding my group of friends helped me relax.

Go With the Flow

A well-made plan is important, but so is deviating when you feel comfortable. I knew I wanted to see J.Phlip, so my plan was to hear her set and then go to bed early, since I had an overwhelming day. However, the DJ after her was amazing and played what would be my favorite set of the weekend. If I had followed my plan, I would have missed Danny Daze’s set, which I felt symbolized everything I had accomplished that weekend.

Take Time for Yourself

Music festivals are great for making new friends. Dancing together—whether it’s rain (lots and lots of rain, in the case of Woogie Weekend) or shine—can bring lost souls together. However, my favorite moment was when I was alone. This could be partly due to the rain, but there was a moment on the second day of the festival when I was soaking wet and decided to take some time for myself. I got in my tent, got dry, and snuggled in my sleeping bag for a few hours, listening to the various sounds coming from both stages and some renegade camp DJs blasting music from their campsites. I had had a rough morning and was feeling like I wanted to go home because I was convinced everyone there hated me. Taking this moment brought me back to why I was there and gave me a chance to reflect on the morning and why I felt that way. By the evening, I was back in the thick of things and enjoying the vibe all over again. Anxiety and negative thoughts at bay, I was ready to take on the rest of that unforgettable weekend.

Find out where Ashlee’s headed next on her Instagram.



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