Awesome People We Met at EDC Orlando 2018
While the energy at every single EDC stop never ceases to amaze us, there’s certainly something special about how hard our Orlando fam brings it. It felt like every person made it their mission to bring the most color into the crowd this past weekend, as there were endless amounts of awesome that we couldn’t help but gravitate toward. And you know how much we love putting our Headliners’ creativity on blast, so scroll down and spend some time with a few who had their fiercest look on lock at this year’s EDC Orlando.

Name: Vanesa
Age: 22
Hometown: Miami, FL
Occupation: Shuffler, social influencer
Number of EDC Orlandos: Four
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
Waving my flag. I love my totem—it says, “Seco Vibe / Seco Tribe.” It’s my last name. And with all my people in front of me and being able to wave my flag, it’s my favorite.
What does your outfit say about you?
I’m colorful and vibrant.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
Complimenting people, and making them feel beautiful, and asking them questions instead of having it be a one-sided thing. I think spreading love is just by going, “Oh my god, you look amazing.” That just makes people feel good. And when I shuffle, that’s a vibe in itself.

Name: David
Age: 28
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Occupation: Marketing rep for apartment communities
Number of EDC Orlandos: Three
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
Last night was probably my favorite so far, and I’m sure Saturday is going to be even better. The moment itself was when we were at the mainstage, right at the end with the fireworks. I was just able to dance and live and do exactly what I came here to do.
What does your outfit say about you?
That I’m proud.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
I smile a lot and say “thank you.” It’s just passing it forward and hoping that person learns from that, and then they also smile and make somebody’s day better, just by showing love. Last night, I was able to spread love with my fan; I was able to fan a lot of people who were really hot. I could tell by just fanning, they would get closer, and you could just feel the love.

Name: Gil
Age: 55
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Occupation: CFO consultant
Number of EDC Orlandos: First one
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
I’m here with my daughter, Regan. My daughter used to go, and she’s been for years, since right after high school. She would always say she would have a blast. From what I understand, the lights and the music at night are just fantastic. I’m literally the most novice person, but I’m ecstatic there are so many people here and very accepting of whoever is here. And that stage, I just dropped my jaw. I’m excited about being here tonight. I told her this was going to be a one-time thing, but I bet I might want to come back.
What does your outfit say about you?
I am Maui, the demigod from Moana. If you haven’t watched the movie, then you should go watch the movie.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
With a smile. It’s as simple as that. I’ve always been extroverted, so that’s the way I am.

Name: Aubree
Age: 27
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Occupation: Registered nurse at NICU
Number of EDC Orlandos: Three
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
I actually met my now-fiancé at kineticFIELD in 2015. We had been talking on the EDC Orlando Facebook page, and we had met up here. He was coming by himself, and I invited him to come join our group. [We] ended up dating a year later, and now we are engaged to be married next year.
What does your outfit say about you?
This is actually really out of my scope. I usually don’t wear anything this revealing, but I’m a super cat lover, and I love Japanese culture, which is why I went with the ears and the backpack. I’m so sparkly today.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
Usually when I’m here, they call me the “Tissue Fairy,” because I always hand out tissues to all the girls at the porta-potties. I hand out suckers and fan people, and just make sure everyone is having a good time.

Name: Chad
Age: 37
Hometown: Miami, FL
Occupation: Data architect for hospitals
Number of EDC Orlandos: Five
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
I usually dress as a woman, so last year I was Sailor Moon. The year before, I was Snow White, and this year, I’m Rainbow Bright.
What does your outfit say about you?
I am very loud and colorful, and I love talking to people. I am an ‘80s kid; Rainbow Bright was very ‘80s.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
I am a kandi kid, so I spread the love by trading kandi.

Name: Jarrett
Age: 32
Hometown: New York City
Occupation: Anesthesiologist
Number of EDC Orlandos: First one
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
Last night, the entire night was amazing. Being with my best friends, enjoying the music, dancing, and just feeling positive energy everywhere.
What does your outfit say about you?
Eros, god of love… still searching.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
Wake up with a full night’s sleep; if you don’t sleep a full night, you are going to start your day shitty. Eat healthy; if you have GMOs in your body or whatever, you won’t feel well. Be around positive energy; you are susceptible to what is around you.

Name: Rachael
Age: 20
Hometown: Jupiter, FL
Occupation: Model, student, and yoga teacher
Number of EDC Orlandos: First one
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
The circuitGROUNDS stage and all of the performers, and the lady hanging from the balloon. At one point, she was right over my head; I was looking up, and it was awesome.
What does your outfit say about you?
I am a free butterfly, and I like to let my freak flag fly.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
Make everyone feel connected. We are all here trying to have a good time, with the same purpose. No one is better than anyone else. We are coming to the same festival, so just embracing that and making sure everyone feels like they are part of it.

Name: Haley
Age: 23
Hometown: Orlando, FL
Occupation: Balloon artist
Number of EDC Orlandos: Four
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
I always like seeing the entertainment. I grew up as a performer, so things like that stand out to me. I like how each year, it gets bigger and better. The girls suspended from the balloons are spectacular; I would kill to do that. I do burlesque and balloons, so that’s the best of both my worlds, isn’t it?
What does your outfit say about you?
It’s super sparkly, and it’s pink and cute. I always try to be a little bubbly. It’s a good vibe for me.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
If you see someone who looks like they need a hug or a pick-me-up, you have to at least give them a compliment and be there for them. If you are doing good things, people are doing good things back. It all just goes around. I like coming to Insomniac events because of the atmosphere like that.

Name: Kiana
Age: 23
Hometown: Jacksonville, FL
Occupation: Photography and works at a call center
Number of EDC Orlandos: Three
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
2014—nothing will top that year. Everybody was there. I saw Yellow Claw, and I pretty much cried the whole time; that was life-changing.
What does your outfit say about you?
I decided to be an alien. I just like to be weird and out of the ordinary.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
I have the ability to fit in anywhere, so it doesn’t matter how weird you are—there’s something about a person that I can relate to, no matter what it is. I just find a common ground, and I also like to make people feel comfortable. I will talk to anyone on this planet. Empathy is important; if you could understand people’s situations and what they go through, you will understand them as a person, and that makes you connect with them better.

Name: Amede
Age: 25
Hometown: Vancouver but lives in Philly
Occupation: Events coordinator for an LGBTQ nonprofit
Number of EDC Orlandos: Two
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
Coming here kind of worried, but immediately going through the gates and running into friends from another festival, and automatically feeling at home. The vibes were awesome. Another thing is at EDC, the production is one of the very few places that make me stop, and I can’t leave. I love looking at the visuals—the work and effort and the time it took.
What does your outfit say about you?
Honestly, I put this on because it’s hot. I don’t feel like putting clothes on. But it also says I’m spontaneous, glittery, fun… I love movement, so part of my outfit is because I like to vogue and flow, and I like the silhouette it creates.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
Through positive reinforcement, especially if it’s people I know. Even if I see someone who put effort into something, I make sure they know they are appreciated—let people know they are visible and seen and that they are worth it.

Name: Natalie
Age: 22
Hometown: Charlotte, NC
Occupation: Full-time biology student and full-time rec center employee
Number of EDC Orlandos: First festival ever
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
Seeing all of the lights and music, and bonding with people, and making friends in the crowd.
What does your outfit say about you?
My outfit is super glittery; it says that I like to have fun, and I hope everyone else is having fun, too.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
My mantra is, “Make everybody feel like somebody,” so you always want them to feel important and loved. Even if you’ve had a bad day and it’s hard for you, take that extra time to appreciate someone so they know they are making a difference and they matter.

Name: Austin
Age: 21
Hometown: St. Cloud, FL
Occupation: Server at the Edison restaurant
Number of EDC Orlandos: Three
Tell us your favorite EDC Orlando moment.
EDC 2015 was a really good time with a lot of beautiful people and friends. I don’t really remember a lot, but I remember I had a good time. It was my best EDC experience.
What does your outfit say about you?
That I am fucking awesome. This outfit is my own creation. This is Goodwill and a jacket I got from Okeechobee.
In honor of the kineticLOVE theme, we’d like to know how you go about spreading positive vibes at festivals.
I just think being a good person in this world. This kind of environment opens you up to different kinds of things; you see all different types of people, and I don’t think you should be judgmental. If you see a person, it’s your duty to show them you are equal to them.
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