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Price: Free

There’s a lot of awesomeness to take in as you roam around the grounds at EDC 2014. Take these Headliners for example.

Name: Brandon Hankey
First EDC: 2012
From: San Francisco, CA
Instagram: @creative_edge

This San Francisco hair stylist takes the inspiration he gets from the looks and costumes of EDC and applies them to his craft back home. This was his Friday look. Today, Saturday, will be a Superman theme with a crop top and an LED cape. Sunday will be a fetish theme: all black, chains and whips. Because YOLO.

Name: Jamell Migo
First EDC: 2007
From: Las Vegas, NV
Instagram: @jamingo4

A former professional arena football player for the Kentucky Drillers, Jamell was inspired to create his DIY mask after seeing Insomniac’s mirror ball man performer at Nocturnal Wonderland in 2008. He’s also responsible for starting an area rave family that’s 250-ravers strong.

Name: Roy Hai
Number of EDCs: 4
From: Florida
Instagram: @lttoastedruben

Raving since ’95, Roy considers EDC an annual adventure, a major vacation, and the time of year that he’s able to meet up with his friends from all over the country. We caught up with Roy while he was walking around taking everything in. “It’s just absolutely amazing,” he says. “I love every minute of it.”

Name: Bryan Schembari
Number of EDCs: 4
From: San Francisco, CA
Twitter: @bbbbrybry

Bryan loves Kaskade. He’s been following him for years and shares with us that he has a really deep connection to his music. So the fact that Kaskade is playing tonight, on Saturday, is a big deal. It’s also one of the main reasons he’s at EDC this year.

Name: Bianca Rizo
Number of EDCs: 2
From: Bakersfield, CA
Twitter: @doreanrizo

Bianca loves the experience of coming to EDC with her rave family, most of whom met Under the Electric Sky. Ranging in age from 19–42, their roughly 30 members hail from California, Michigan, and a bunch of places in between. We love EDC family reunions.

Name: Jonathan Arce
Number of EDCs: first one!
From: Los Angeles, CA
Twitter: @arcehh_doe

He just turned 18, but he’s been itching to rave since he was in the ninth grade, when he first started listening to EDM. Jonathan tells us that this just might be the most incredible three days of his life—and that he loves the music, the scene, and EDC for bringing everyone together and making it one big family affair.

Name: Fernando Sanchez
Number of EDCs: first one!
From: Mexico
IG: @ser_mispika

“Oh my god, it’s like nothing I’ve ever seen before,” shares Fernando. “It’s like Disneyland for adults.” Having saved his money to come to EDC this year, Fernando tells us that it’s worth every single penny that it took him to get to this moment.

Name: Maximilian Becker
Number of EDCs: first one!
From: Switzerland
Twitter: @BeckerMaxi

Standing out thanks to his EDM tattoo, which was inspired by the EDC logo, Maximilian has been following Insomniac events for a few years now—since he was 17. He tells us that his dream of being at EDC has finally come true. We love that. We also love that after this weekend, he’s going to get a tattoo of the actual EDC logo. “Is it possible to just walk into a place in Las Vegas and get a tattoo without an appointment?” Not too sure about that, Maximilian, but the idea of an EDC logo tattoo on your body puts a smile on our faces.

Names: Lauren & Sean
Number of EDCs: 1
From: Long Beach, CA
Twitter: @sightlessmusic

We spotted Sean with a white cane, so we stopped to say hello. We were curious what it’s like for a visually impaired Headliner at EDC. We learned that it’s not that big of a deal, as long as you have the right person by your side. The hardcore and the bassCON stage are what Lauren and Sean most look forward to—particularly Darren Styles, Angerfist, and Datsik, of course. Oh, and Brennan Heart too.

Name: Stephanie Tripp
First EDC: 2014
From: Miami, FL

Stephanie and her husband—married just two days prior in Las Vegas—flew all the way out from Miami for their EDC experience. She dances, DJs, tends bar, and can’t wait to see lots of drum & bass. Oh, and for some reason, she didn’t think her costume was good enough.

Name: Lamat
Number of EDCs: ALL OF THEM
From: Los Angeles, CA
IG: @lamatilllumeblogger

We met Lamat while he was waiting to meet up for a mass kandi swap coordinated via social networks. We love these kinds of on/offline connections that bring people together. You can see Lamat in Under the Electric Sky wearing one of his amazing homemade costumes, which he tests by dancing around and interacting with friends. “You have to be people-friendly… They want to feel it, they want to see it, and they want to be inspired by it. They want to be part of something.”



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