Harder, Faster, Longer, Stronger: Healthy Snacks to Keep You Going While You Party

Most weekend-long music festivals are similar to an endurance race: You are exerting a lot of energy in a relatively short period of time, and you don’t want to fall flat before the finish. Although you might have some good intentions, chances are you are not thinking all that much about nutrition when you are charging toward the gates of the fest. Here are some quick tips and some clutch snacks that will give you the fuel you need to go all weekend.
Need some quick energy?

Go Cubes: coffee that fits in your pocket. Yes, the future is here, and it’s chewable coffee with just the right amount of pop to level you up a couple of notches. Go Cubes by Nootrobox are a handy, candy-like snack that easily fits in your pocket and kicks you into gear when you are getting slouchy. Here’s the big caveat, though: It really tastes like coffee, and it’s very funky for many people, especially non-coffee drinkers. If you can handle the taste, these little coffee gummies deliver a 50mg dose of caffeine per cube, with a nootropic stack that eliminates the jitters or crash that usually come with coffee. For most people, usually around two to four cubes will do the trick. It’s also worth noting that Go Cubes are vegan and gluten-free and do not contain gelatin—they’re made with pectin, which comes from plants. No soy, no peanuts, no tree nuts, no egg, no dairy, no fish or shellfish.
- Pros: Highly portable, inexpensive, easy-to-measure dose, and fast-acting.
- Cons: Tastes like coffee, but not in the greatest of ways.
Looking for some more sustained energy?

GU Energy Gel: If you are a runner, chances are you’ve seen this stuff around. It’s a favorite of distance racers and weekend warriors alike, and it’s a perfect solution for festivalgoers, too. GU (pronounced goo) has got you covered across the board for longer-sustained energy. Since this stuff was developed for high-performance athletes, you are getting a nice dose of calories (100, to be exact), 60mg of sodium to keep you hydrated, and a small, 20mg dose of caffeine to improve your focus. The amino acids also help reduce the fatigue that comes along with walking for hours at a time. GU also tastes great and is very easy to port along with you. Just pop a couple of these guys, and you should be good for a while.
- Pros: Highly caloric, tastes great with lots of flavors, reduces fatigue and dehydration.
- Cons: It’s a slimy, gel-like substance, so if you have texture issues, it might bug you out.
Need a meal, but don’t want to take the time to eat?

Soylent Café: This’ll toss you a rescue line. If you live in Los Angeles, you probably have seen the billboards and scratched your head a little bit, wondering just what in the hell they were selling. So, what is it? Soylent is high-tech food for people on the go, who don’t have the time to even chew their food. Pop the top, slam it down, and you have just completed a balanced meal that is chock-full of 400 plant-based calories. The Soylent Café variation that we are so fond of also adds about a cup of coffee’s worth of caffeine to the mix for an extra kick to your meal. The nutrients are also very well balanced, so you are getting not only a meal, but also a good one for keeping up your energy. The Soylent Café variation comes in three flavors (coffee, chai, and vanilla) and also does not require refrigeration, so you are good to go.
- Pros: A complete and balanced solution for both energy and hunger, easy to port around, great flavors, big on calories.
- Cons: Might be too many calories for some.
A little hungry, a little thirsty, and a bit tired?

Hi-Ball High Protein Energy Drink: I’ve been a fan of the Hi-Ball brand for a while; they are low- or no-sugar energy drinks that deliver all the pick-me-up without all the sugar and scary stuff. These guys have developed a hybrid energy drink that not only provides organic caffeine power, but also a big dose of 20g of protein in each 11oz serving. The calorie count comes in at around 170, for those who don’t want to suck down too many caloric units but still get all the upsides of a big protein serving. If you need a burst of energy that will get you in gear and keep you there, the Hi-Ball hybrid will do the trick.
- Pros: Lower calories, big protein dose (20g), quick energy burst.
- Cons: This is made from dairy, so if you are lactose intolerant, you are out of luck.
Hungry but don’t want caffeine?

EPIC Bar: a hybrid of meat, fruit, and nuts that provides the perfect healthy boost of energy and calories. Yes, I know the idea of fruit and meat sounds a bit off-putting at first, but trust me: These things are pretty tasty and substantial enough to get you through the homestretch. Each bar is rich in protein, low in sugar, gluten-free, grain-free, and absent of both soy and dairy. This is compact, healthy caveman food that fits in your pocket.
- Pros: A healthy burst of calories, well-balanced nutrients, great taste.
- Cons: Spendy at about $3 a bar (discounts with bulk).