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We all journey down different paths in our daily lives. Some of us are flight attendants, others are veterinarian technicians, sales consultants, specialty dental assistants and linguists, to name a few. When we venture to a festival, however, we remove our costumes and transform into truer versions of ourselves, meeting in a world that allows us to leave all our worries (and boring-ass clothes) behind.

Insomniac celebrates #TransformationTuesday by asking 10 unique Headliners to discuss their lives in and out of uniform.

Headliner: Princess
Profession: Freelance model

Why do you love dance music culture?
There’s nothing more satisfying than spending a night with the humans and environment I’ve come to know and love. People dehumanize our culture because it’s commonly associated with the use and abuse of drugs, but the truth is that this can be found in any scene. If you focus on the negative aspects of something, of course that’s all you’ll see.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
This culture has made me a more socially adept human being. I’m confident in my own skin and in my interactions with others—something that I was struggling with before. I found out how to love myself so that I could love others in return.

Headliner: Jefferson
Profession: Sales consultant at Lacoste and Zales

Why do you love dance music culture?
I love the culture because everyone is intertwined. People take care of each other like they’ve known them their entire life. There’s no drama, just peace.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
This culture shows me that this world isn’t necessarily full of terrible people wanting to hurt others. It shows me that there is hope. When I’m at an event, there are no worries, only peace. I always encourage my friends to go to a festival because it truly is a lifetime experience.

Headliner: Stephanie
Profession: Bank manager

Why do you love dance music culture?
It’s simple! Dance music culture makes me happy! And this kind of happiness isn’t just for the moment. It’s the kind of happiness that follows you and surrounds your life with positivity and excitement.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
Every morning, I need to have my daily dose of EDM while I’m stuck in traffic. It’s like my coffee! As a branch manager, I need to have my vacation days planned out in advance for the following year, so I make sure to coordinate my schedule around the festivals and events I want to attend!

Headliner: Sean
Profession: Apple online sales chat concierge

Why do you love dance music culture?
Over the many years that I’ve been raving, I’ve met some of the most amazing people and generated memories that are truly unique—ones that I will never forget. Creativity, culture, music, love, friendship, and indescribable feelings continue to evolve, and I get to be a part of it! Along with the scene evolving, I too evolve.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
I am a kinder, loving, and more compassionate individual thanks to this culture. If I see someone that needs to smile, I’m there to make him or her feel more welcome. I am that guy who makes sure that everyone around me is having a great time. This applies at EDM shows and everyday life.

Headliner: Jennifer
Profession: Veterinarian technician

Why do you love dance music culture?
It makes me feel free and alive. I can dance around like an idiot, jump up and down to the music, and get low when the beat drops, all while feeling comfortable in my own skin. No one is judging you, your dancing, or what you’re wearing. Everyone is just there to have a great time.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
EDM gets my day started. It puts me in a great mood, gets my heart racing, and always gives me goose bumps when I remember a specific song from a past event. I might not be able to attend as many shows as I’d like, but that doesn’t mean I don’t blast some Knife Party or Calvin Harris on my way to work in the mornings.

Headliner: Thaer
Profession: Linguist for the United Nations

Why do you love dance music culture?
Dance music makes me forget the world and all the pain that I’ve experienced. I live in special and unforgettable moments when I’m listening to dance music. It is my empire, a place where I can find myself.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
I have adopted PLUR into my daily life, not just at raves. It has influenced me to be more open to things in my life. I see more peace now. More unity. Dance music makes me feel free. When I hear it, I relive all the great moments that I’ve come across at previous events. It keeps me happy.

Headliner: Donne
Profession: Social services director at a skilled nursing home

Why do you love dance music culture?
Everyone is accepted in his or her own skin. No judgments. We’re all united as one as we enjoy the music together and become carefree. The culture radiates this positive energy that is so uplifting. It’s a cliché answer, but it’s true. You really have to experience it to believe it.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
EDM culture keeps me sane from my everyday routine of eat, sleep, work and school. It’s an escape from the stress in life, and it creates a positivity and happiness that you can pass on to others.

Headliner: Juli
Profession: State disaster instructor

Why do you love dance music culture?
Life can be overwhelming and even scary at times. The EDM culture serves as a reminder that we have more in common with one another than we may often feel. When I’m able to attend a show, I feel an amazing sense of unity and security. There is a beautiful sense of community that I’ve never felt anywhere else.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
The culture reminds me that regardless of the bad things we may encounter, there are still genuine people who want to enrich others’ lives. It makes me more appreciative and happier as a person. I believe that everyone should feel that sense of togetherness because too often, we are made to feel alone.

Headliner: Jimmy
Profession: Specialty dental assistant

Why do you love dance music culture?
The feelings you get from the music are euphoric. It’s the positive vibes that keep me coming back for more, along with the most genuine, caring and amazing people that go hand-in-hand with this unique culture.

How does the culture influence your daily life?
I work with people on a daily basis, and my patients generally don’t like seeing the dentist, so it’s up to me to make their visit comfortable. EDM has a huge influence on me, specifically my work ethic. Wake up, EDM. Sleep, EDM. Breathe, EDM. If I could eat EDM, I’m sure it would taste delightful.

Headliner: Maxwell
Profession: Flight attendant

Why do you love dance music culture?
The PLUR culture attracted me because it’s what we all desire—a place where we can go to be ourselves. We can show up without fear of judgment and be accepted for who we are. It’s so uplifting, and it really changes the way we think and breathe!

How does the culture influence your daily life?
This culture influences me to think positively. You can’t expect to live a positive life without changing the way you think. I wear my kandi everyday in the skies and around the different cities I travel to. It’s been amazing meeting the many people I’ve encountered along the way!

If you would like the chance to celebrate Transformation Tuesday with Insomniac, please email your best transformation photos to [email protected].



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