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I don’t know about you, but I’m the kind of person who finds the not-so-apparent aspects of an artist’s life to be far more fascinating than what he or she does while on the clock. It’s not like I don’t care about the DJ-centric stuff; I do… sort of (as far as the music is concerned, anyway). But I guess I would much rather peel back the layers and get a feel for who these people are at their very core.

I had a chance to run a few questions (and by few, I mean exactly 20) by Dutch sensation Alvaro. Instead of bombarding him with some cut-and-dry Qs, I went the road-less-talked-about route. Sure, we could have easily discussed how he has a steady stream of international tour dates lined up from now ‘til festival season is in full effect, all of which will involve him conducting some serious big room business. Or I could have broken off a few to focus on the soon-to-be-released collabs he has in the works for Musical Freedom, Dim Mak and Mad Decent. But nope. I spent the time shining some light on the man behind the main-stage-blastin’ music.

“I realized I wanted to party without having any worries about having money or not”

Before you dig in, I wanted to prep you for our PLURnt-up party Crush by reminding you to show some love to this Alvaro Valentine’s Day mix. It’s almost time to get our heart-hands dirty.

What was your favorite toy as a child, and when/why did you stop playing with it?
Disco lights! I was literally obsessed with all kinds of disco lights. Even though my mom didn’t want it, I built my own once a week.

What should everyone shut up about?
I’m tired of people that keep talking bad about specific religions, countries or other people in general. Please STOP. Try to make a difference and start looking at yourself in a mirror. Are you perfect? I don’t think so, because no one is.

Do you think there are any commonly held societal beliefs that are false?
Lots of things are false, and a lot are true. The thing that matters the most is what you want. For example: I didn’t finish school and started a company really young, because that was what I believed in.

What’s the last thing you discovered about yourself?
That I’m becoming a true sneaker freak! I can’t take my hands and eyes off dope sneaks. I can’t leave a shop without buying any.

What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Did you take it?
A Russian businesswoman once said in an interview, “Try to create a team around you with people that are really good in what you’re weak in.” Yes, I took her advice and started an agency, Stars Agency, with one of my best friends.

If you could have one magical/super power, what would you want?
I would seriously pick the power to teleport, so I don’t have to travel for so many hours to get to a certain destination or go through security checks all the time. I know a lot of artists can relate to what I’m saying.

What part of your day do you look forward to most?
The part of the day that I can be creative and do what I love most: making music and being productive in my studio.

What two modern-day conveniences can you not live without?
Mobile phone: It’s an artist’s best friend on the road. MacBook: because all of my music, movies, music productions, projects, etc. are on it. If I would lose it, I would seriously break down and cry.

Have you ever had a brush with the paranormal or supernatural?
I have never experienced paranormal or supernatural activity in my life.

Do you have a pet? If not, what is your ideal pet, and what would you want it to do in an ideal world?
I had a black pet fish! His name was Bollie, meaning “fatso” in Dutch slang! My ideal pet would be a French bulldog. I would train him or her to do all the things a dog should know and even bring him into the clubs (with ear protection, of course).

What’s the best time you’ve ever had without spending money?
Actually, I never spend lots of money! So, most of the time I’m having fun without spending any money. I think when I was young, I realized I wanted to party without having any worries about having money or not, and it actually turned out that this is like almost every weekend in my life.

When is the last time you watched the sun come up?
Every morning. I’m a late-night producer, so 90 percent of the time I come home when the sun is coming up. I wish I had a more romantic answer for this, though!

What’s the last impulsive thing you did?
Buying my Nike Air Max 90 red Independence Day [shoes] at a famous sneaker shop in New York City.

What do you look for in the opposite sex?
Respect, understanding, trust, and an independent woman.

What is your favorite word?
Kaolo, which means “asshole” in the Suriname language.

What is your most treasured possession?
My childhood pictures with my family!

What do you remember about your first kiss?
It’s not that romantic. I dated a girl, and I knew we had to kiss when I would leave. So I kind of rushed it and looked a bit stupid! Let’s just say it wasn’t an ideal first kiss.

Do you owe an apology to anyone?
Not that I know of, but my deepest apologies to any of the people that I do owe an apology to.

What four words best describe you?
Efficient, creative, doer and stubborn.

What do you regard as the lowest depth of misery?
Living a very wealthy and good life, and then one day just losing everything!

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