kineticLOVE Stories: Cameron and Edwin
It would be hard to watch Cameron and Edwin’s wedding video without smiling. Wearing matching vests and colorful blue and green ties, the two step out onto the walkway hand-in-hand, grinning nervously, like two people so much in love you can’t help but feel it through the screen.
“Do you both promise to always keep the spirit of EDC in your heart?” More grinning. The crowd roars in approval as the two utter an enthusiastic “yes.”
When Cameron talks about how he first encountered Edwin in a small South Carolina town back in 2013, it’s a tale full of awkward, shy laughter. It’s puppy dog love, pure and simple.
“Edwin used to work at this restaurant. He was very attractive, so I kept going back, hoping he would talk to me. We went out one night after he finally introduced himself—he said, ‘Hey, I’ve seen you around a lot’—and then we started dating.”
Little did they know that dance music would soon find its way into their lives.
“Two weeks after we met, we decided to go on a trip to D.C., because we found out Showtek was playing at Life in Color. That’s how we both found out we were secret ravers,” says Edwin gleefully. “When we got back, we were looking up video reels of the event and then came upon Insomniac. We started looking at more videos and found out about EDC and were like, ‘Let’s go to EDC in six months.’”
The two planned to move to Orlando, Florida, after Cameron graduated. Right before the move, Edwin popped the question, and they started working on their wedding immediately. “We were wedding planning, and we were like, ‘Why not get married at EDC? That’s what we love,’” recalls Cameron.
They arrived in Vegas, guns blazing, with a group of family and friends they brought from Orlando to partake in the ceremony. There were matching vests, bow ties in their favorite colors (Cameron in cobalt blue, Edwin in lime green), bridesmaids, plenty of kandi—the whole glorious shebang.
“It was all so high-energy,” Cameron adds. In the video, that energy emanates from the festival backdrop: stages off in the distance, glowing brilliantly and puffing massive clouds of smoke over the cacophonous laughter and roar of the dancing crowd.
“We always make sure if we bring new people, we go to the top of the staircase and show them EDC as a whole, to take it all in and all the colors, ‘cause it’s so amazing.”
Within the chapel, the audience is all smiles as the Elvis-like chaplain utters his final statement: “By the power vested in me by the state of Nevada, it is my happy privilege to announce that from this day forward, you are legally married husbands. You may now kiss!”
Whoops erupt from the crowd and are met with a whole lot of noise from the festival. “Tiësto was the artist that played at our reception—who’d have thunk?” laughs Cameron.
Since that joyous day, Cameron and Edwin have delighted in sharing their love of EDC with the rest of the world. Cameron’s favorite tradition? “We always make sure if we bring new people, we go to the top of the staircase and show them EDC as a whole, to take it all in and all the colors, ‘cause it’s so amazing.”
“We’ve dragged like eight friends with us to EDC,” Edwin adds. “We don’t go just for the music. We walk all around, we go look at every single thing that’s there. Sometimes, you find people at EDC who aren’t in the right mindset. We always high-five people, we tell people we like their little totems, we share our kandi.”
Cameron completes the thought with a smile: “We want to make sure the PLUR lifestyle is there.”