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He may not tell you his biggest vice, but after nearly 20 years in the business, he can still say, “I love what I do. There’s no part of me that wakes up and is like, ‘Dang. I have to go to work.’ To still have that newness driving me is a good thing.” DJ Vice’s first major breakthrough came in 1998, when he started playing hip-hop records on L.A.’s Power 106 radio station, spinning vinyl for an audience of 1.6 million. Today you can catch him turning up the jams at places like Marquee, working alongside Christina Aguilera and Mariah Carey on their music, or sporting the latest kicks from his high-end shoe store, CRSVR. Find out more about this seasoned DJ in the Insomniac Five below:

What is your most treasured possession?
My music collection.

What grinds your gears?
Bad coffee.

What’s the most disturbing event you’ve bore witness to?
When I saw a guy pouring a beer into his boots at the club, then proceed to drink out of it!

What keeps you on your toes?
Being late for flights, literally!

What’s the last book you read?
Wheat Belly by William Davis.

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