iQ: Showtek

We capture a mental fingerprint of some of our musical and cultural heroes and preserve it in cyber-amber for the wonderment of future generations. This is the Insomniac Questionnaire.
What was your favorite toy as a child, and when and why did you stop playing with it?
Sjoerd: An electric toy car, but got too old.
Wouter: Same here—it was time for a real car!
What is the best advice you’ve ever received? Did you take it?
Sjoerd: “Not everything is for everyone”—my girlfriend told me that! Yes, I did. Some people don’t deserve the full you.
Wouter: Not to be too stubborn, and be a little more open-minded to things. And yes, I did.
What part of your day do you look forward to most?
Sjoerd: As much as I love to work out or spend time in the studio, the end of the day is always the best. Taking a shower and getting ready for bed is just so relaxing!
Wouter: Getting up when I’m going to bed, going to bed when I wake up.
What’s the best time you’ve ever had without spending money?
Sjoerd: Hmm… producing music.
Wouter: Making music! Same!
What is your most treasured possession?
Sjoerd: My ears.
Wouter: My creativity.
What is your favorite word?
Sjoerd: Pia!! (Ask our TM what that means.)
Wouter: Ok.
Do you owe an apology to anyone?
Sjoerd: To absolutely fucking nobody. (#McGregor)
Wouter: There might be some people I need to apologize to, but am not sure who they are… Sorry!
When is the last time you were really scared?
Sjoerd: I was skiing in the French Alps three weeks ago. I ended up in a snowstorm 3,200 meters high. Not fun!
Wouter: Our last helicopter flight, the pilot made a big free fall, and it was everything but fun.
What is the last thing you googled?
Sjoerd: Spider guard BJJ traps!
Wouter: Closest Home Depot.
What’s the last sound you would want to hear before you die?
Sjoerd: Silence… finally.
Wouter: The ocean!
Do you have any recurring dreams or nightmares? If not, what’s the last dream you remember having?
Sjoerd: A Rottweiler was chasing my Chihuahua, bastard!
Wouter: I don’t sleep enough to dream!
How do you measure success?
Sjoerd: Happiness!
Wouter: Freedom!
If you could have one magical/superpower, what would you want, and why?
Sjoerd: Shape-shifting! Why not?
Wouter: Flying. I’m already pretty floaty!
Have you ever had a brush with the paranormal or supernatural?
Sjoerd: No, but I live in Miami, and there are a lot of paranormal people out there! Lol
Wouter: Am pretty floaty by nature.
What do you remember about your first kiss?
Sjoerd: No idea—I guess it wasn’t memorable!!
Wouter: It wasn’t French, that’s for sure!
What four words best describe you?
Sjoerd: You need more than four words to describe me…
Wouter: I still don’t know.
What’s the last impulsive thing you did?
Sjoerd: Spreading peanut butter with a spoon!
Wouter: I am always impulsive!
Do you have a pet? Tell us a story about it/him/her. If not, what is your ideal pet, and what would you want it to do in an ideal world?
Sjoerd: My girlfriend has a Chihuahua, and we bring him everywhere. He is our mascot and even comes to shows. He just stays in the green room, eats cheese, and sleeps.
Wouter: Sjoerd’s Chihuahua is more than enough!
What is your strongest or best personality trait?
Sjoerd: Controlling my strength!
Wouter: Being stubborn.
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories or urban legends?
Sjoerd: No, but it’s fun listening to them!
Wouter: No, but I like when people believe in them.
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