iQ: The Glitch Mob
We capture a mental fingerprint of some of our musical and cultural heroes and preserve it in cyber-amber for the wonderment of future generations. This is the Insomniac Questionnaire.

What was your favorite toy as a child and when did you stop playing with it?
Boreta: I grew up with a creek behind me, so that was my favorite toy. Sticks, dirt, mud. I didn’t really stop playing in the mud.
What is the best advice you’ve ever gotten? Did you take it?
The best advice I have come across is from this book by Sam Harris called Waking Up. He explains that most of us spend our lives looking for happiness without ever thinking of why. We are looking for reasons to be satisfied now.
What part of your day do you look forward to most?
Setting up my whole scientific coffee contraption. I am proud of my caffeine addiction and find pleasure in the ritual of morning coffee preparation.
What’s the best time you’ve ever had without spending money?
Spending time with friends in nature.
What is your most treasured possession?
Whatever thing that allows me to make music. At the moment, it’s a MacBook Pro and Ableton Live 9.
What is your favorite word?
Do you owe an apology to anyone?
Every now and I then I get carried away in the studio late at night, [so I’d need] to apologize to my gracious neighbor.
When is the last time you were really scared?
Last weekend I went rock climbing and it was frightening. I thought I was going to die at least three times. It’s such a good feeling when you overcome fear and make some progress.
What is the last thing you googled?
The word “marginalia.”
What’s the last sound you would want to hear before you die?
That’s heavy. Probably the ocean.
Do you have any recurring dreams or nightmares?
I have been doing a lot of dream recording and analysis this past year. I find that the more you dive into your subconscious—the more the dreams progress—you get more familiar with yourself. The patterns that start to emerge as you track them through your life are really cool.
How do you measure success?
My own personal measuring stick for success is getting to create things with people I respect.
If you could have one superpower, what would you want, and why?
I would be able to instantaneously transport myself and others all over the universe.
Have you ever had a brush with the paranormal or supernatural?
I don’t believe in ghosts. However, the word “spiritual” to me scribes something that is one step further than “awe.” A connection to something greater than us all, or do something deep within. I’ve had plenty of experiences like this, and music is my most-used conduit.
What do you remember about your first kiss?
I accidentally reached down and brushed her boob right after the kiss and she freaked out.
What four words best describe you?
Music. Salt. Coffee. Trees.
What’s the last impulsive thing you did?
Breakfast for dinner.
Do you have a pet? Tell us a story about it.
I have a houseplant named Robert Plant, does that count?
What is your strongest personality trait?
I am really good at making breakfast foods.
Do you believe in any conspiracy theories or urban legends?
Al Gore invented the internet!
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