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If you were to ask us why we love to rave, this page would be riddled with a thousand reasons (and then some!). Many do it for the thrill—others, for the extraordinary sense of love, acceptance, and belonging that comes with stepping into a music festival. For trance families around the world, however, there’s only one reason that stands above the rest:

Do it for the love of trance.

Insomniac celebrates #WeAreTranceFamily by locating trance crews across the country and sharing their unique stories with our community. This week, meet Trance Family LA.

Family name: Trance Family LA
Name: Danielle Sanders
Location: Los Angeles, CA
Number of family members: 2,029

In your own words, define “trance” and how it plays a role in your family.
It wouldn’t be right in my own words, so I had two of our other members define it. According to Christopher Hoang, “Trance music is made of the people within, no matter where it may be: the club, a park, a festival, or a social gathering. Trance Family LA brings this vibe to the place that allows us to feel like we’re at home—a home where all our skins are shed and we can be ourselves—vulnerable, yet protected by one another. That is what trance, in its purest form, should mean.”

Another member and local DJ, Jack Frozt, defined it as the following: “Trance doesn’t define us—it just brought us to a common ground of like-minded people. Trance Family LA combines mind, body, and soul like the genre combines melodies, hi-hats, and snares to make one beautiful thing.”

How did you find each other, and what brought you together?
Trance Family LA has been around for a while. However, the current group of active members came together at the first Dreamstate. Prior to the 2015 event, I was on Facebook but used it only to connect with relatives, schoolmates, and coworkers. I entered the first Dreamstate knowing only three people. To say I was amazed would be an understatement. I met so many people at that event and continue to meet more and more people everyday. In 2016, Luis Ortega and I worked with the founders of Trance Family LA to create a new Facebook page for all the locals who wanted a place to connect. Over the last two years, we have grown so much. We have become a hub for trance fans living in and visiting Los Angeles. Our motto says, “Trance Family LA is made up of trance fans, who became friends, who became family. We accept everyone.”

Are any members of your trance family actively involved in the dance community?
Very much so! We have many members who are trance DJs—from professionals to those who are still up-and-coming. We have many promoters that promote all throughout L.A. Being in this city, we have quite a few members who are also associated with the Dreamstate brand. Many of us also work on the back-end of the scene. For example, I am both an artist manager and a blog writer for Justedms.com. We have writers, managers, agents, photographers, artists, and more. Just like the city of Los Angeles, Trance Family LA is a melting pot of talent.

What is the craziest, most exciting or unusual experience you’ve had together?
I can’t pinpoint one or two experiences, because we have had so many great moments in the past two years. Life is all about those moments you never forget, such as the many Above & Beyond shows we’ve been to together; the road trips we’ve taken to San Francisco, San Diego, Las Vegas, and Fresno; the flights to Chicago, New York, Europe, Mexico, and Canada; crying together during the good times and the bad; celebrating love at a wedding and loss at a memorial; helping each other achieve goals and doing something special for someone, just because you want to see them smile. Trance Family LA is made up of those special moments.

What makes your #TranceFam unique?
At the end of the day, our love of trance is what brought us together in a city of millions—a city where you can choose from hundreds of shows, concerts, and other entertainment each weekend. Trance Family LA has been a hub for everyone—a place to connect, meet, plan, and share; a place where you won’t be criticized for what you love; a place where you can go and find your strength. Trance has helped so many of us find ourselves. It has taken us out of some of our darkest moments.

If you would like the chance to celebrate #WeAreTranceFamily with Insomniac, please email osteinbe@gmail.com by Friday, July 13.



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