‎Insomniac Events
Price: Free

Origin: None

From his recent beginnings as a dorm-room producer at Georgia Tech, uploading tracks to Soundcloud as a hobby, to being the first signing to Wolfgang Gartner’s Kindergarten Records, 21 year old Ralf Popescu never imagined that electronic music would be his career. Quickly attracting listeners on a daily basis, Popeska’s steady output of progressive and sonically addicting material has set the stage for the release of his debut EP, entitled Karmameter, as well as his earned inclusion on “Love & War” tour featuring Wolfgang Gartner and Pierce Fulton. With his second EP, Sonder he began to explore more soundscapes and atmospheric audio. Since then has grown into a superproducer capable of beautiful melodic productions such as “Heart of Glass” and still able to deliver in your face gritty tracks like “Bang On Some Shit”. Keep a lookout for him this summer as he delivers one free track a day during his #ONETRACKADAY campaign in addition to his debut artist album, “Spirit Animals”.

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