Origin: None
We’ve known each other since we were kids. We were in a post-hardcore band together when we were teenagers. We have been making music together since then. A couple of years ago we jumped into electronic music. We are just trying to find a way to express ourselves; music is the best way to do it. We try to mix all the genres we like into songs that we would like to hear and rhythms that would make us dance. That’s the best thing about electronic music, you can do whatever you want and experiment with all kinds of sounds.
Home Town: Uruapan, Mexico / Michoacán, Mexico
Currently Living: Guadalajara, Mexico / Jalisco, Mexico
Origin Of Name: The name comes from the first remix we did of the song “Tough Kids” by New Boyz. We gave it a little spin but we don’t know why but we missed the “i” in “Kids.” In the end, we are just kids living in a tough world. We are TUFFKDS!
Weapon of Choice: Beer and Jägerbombs
Source of Power: Our family and friends who have supported us since we had a post-hardcore band. We love that feeling we get when we’re playing our music in front of a lot of people and they are enjoying it as much as we do.
What advice would you offer someone thinking about entering the Discovery Project competition?
We don’t really feel like we are ready to give advice, but one thing we can say is: f*ck it and give it a try. You’re not losing anything if you do.
Was there one particular moment in the recording or mixing process for your Discovery Project entry that made you feel like you were creating something pretty damn special?
Each of us created a song and we chose the one we thought was most suitable for the competition. We focused on what we would like to hear if we were attending EDC. We gave the bridge our final touch and the big moment came when we listened to the track from start to finish. We couldn’t wait to premiere the song to see the people’s reaction.
Are there any dots to connect with where/how you grew up to your musical output?
Teno: Not really. We both wanted to play drums. I started playing piano because my parents promised to buy me a drum kit if I took piano lessons. I studied piano for like seven years.
Ofo: I started with a really old drum kit that my parents bought me. They assumed I would play it for a month and then leave it. But I’ve been playing drums for about 12 years now.
It doesn’t matter how you start, what matters is the passion you put into it. If our parents had never supported us then we would have probably met in the street playing buckets as drums.
What do your parents think of what you are doing?
They’re really supportive because they know it is our dream.
Tell me about your most memorable night out.
It was the first time we played in our hometown. We weren’t expecting a lot of people but the venue was still full. It was surprising because the music we played back then wasn’t popular there. The people were jumping and screaming for us. There were people we recognized from our old post-hardcore shows who were dancing to electronic music. Everyone had a pretty good time and we realized that we were doing something right.
What is your ultimate career dream?
Make momma proud!
What’s the most important piece of gear in your studio?
Our laptops and headphones, because it is the only gear we have.
How important is it for you to experiment and take on the risk of failure?
It is very important because you can find a way to express yourself freely and connect with people who identify with what you do and how you feel. Obviously taking risks is scary but it is necessary to achieve success. It’s always good to fall from time to time so you can learn to get back up again.
What sound or noise do you love?
The silence after turning off your alarm clock in the morning. The sound of people screaming when you’re about to perform, opening a new beer and a ping pong ball going into the cup when you’re playing beer pong.
What should everyone just shut the fuck up about?
The criticism of EDM producers and the constant battle between genres and sub genres should stop. In general, criticizing other peoples’ choices, tastes and beliefs. Everyone is free to do what he or she likes and we should all respect it. Who are you to tell others if they’re right or wrong?
Is success physical or internal?
It’s internal because it depends on the goal of each person. Success is more like a feeling than an action. It’s something that fulfills you on the inside. Your actions can bring you the feeling of success, and that feeling motivates you to keep moving forward to achieve more.
What do you remember about your first DJ gig?
It was a crazy night in a small bar. We played electro house and dubstep. We didn’t even know how to change tempos, so we stayed at 140 BPM all night. The people went crazy and some of them took their shirts off. It was a night filled with Jägerbombs, bad decisions and wrong tempos.
Winning Track:
Winning Mix: