‘Night Owl Radio’ 011 With DJ Snake Guest Mix
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Direct from Insomniac HQ in Los Angeles, Night Owl Radio is a weekly show presented by our head Night Owl, Pasquale Rotella, with special guest mixes, exclusive info on @insomniacevents, competitions and lots of interaction with you, the Headliners! Get involved on Twitter @PasqualeRotella and use the hashtag #NightOwlRadio.
Even though you may have EDC Orlando on the brain, don’t act like you haven’t been wondering what kind of slappers Night Owl Radio is dropping this week. Pasquale swoops in to deliver a parcel of ear-burrowing beats for the 11th episode, and the packaged vibes are all kinds of right.
We broke out the Night Owl mics last weekend at Escape: Psycho Circus and roamed around the grounds to hear what our Headliners had to say. Listen closely; maybe you or someone from your rave crew is about to become festival famous.
Lastly, we unlock a live set recorded at this year’s EDC Las Vegas from none other than trap higher-up DJ Snake. The Parisian producer has had a tremendous year, turning out crowds with speaker-constricting trap tunes. This set is no different, but go ahead and judge for yourself how lit it really was.

- Track List:
Sander Van Doorn vs. Pep & Rash “White Rabbit”
Chuckie & Bobby Puma “Once Again”
Lucky Charmes ft. Wiley “Skank Skank Out” (Bougenvilla Remix)
Justin Jay ft. Chris Lorenzo “Storm”
Deekline Bad Zuke “Pull That Back”
Break Mafia, iPlay & Thanx “Garage Party”
Aylen “Primitive Rhythm”
Halvy “Skream”
New York Transit Authority “Love Song”
Fatboy Slim “Star 69” (Noir Original Remix)
Zeskullz “CMN”DJ Snake Live from EDC Las Vegas
Goldie “Inner City Life”
Night Owl Radio is available via iTunes, so get to subscribing on your iOS devices.