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For all the low frequency fiends looking for their next fix, Firepower is about to break out the latest installment of their Flatline compilation series. Dedicated to dipping below the surface to showcase the imprint’s titans and tenderfoots, the package wrangles four flagrantly disparate tracks from Vyill, Audiowrx, Ponicz and Dr. Ozi that run afoul of the cookie-cutter credence adopted by playing-it-safe producers.

Toronto’s Dr. Ozi prescribes a dizzying chunk of drum & bass for the affair, with “Pollux” enacting a merciless tempo that will prove to be fatal to every floor it faces. Straight from the jump, the tension stays taut with clattering drums before a barrage of concussive, sub-tickling synth work that will raise your heart rate to levels of clinical concern. It’s just another day in the office for Dr. Ozi.

Available August 28 via Firepower Records.
Describe the best setting/activity to hear this track.
The track is really energetic and aggressive, and it just needs to be danced out by people. So, I feel like a hot and sweaty club where everyone’s raging would definitely be the best spot!

How do you measure the success of a track?
I think a track is successful if fans show a positive reaction to it. As long as people are listening to the track and sharing it, and DJs are playing the track out, it’s a success. I don’t think I could ever just measure a track’s success by its sales.

What were you doing when you came up with the idea for this song? Did you drop what you were doing and get to work, or did you make notes and get to it when you could?
To be honest, most of my ideas kind of just come to me. It could be while I’m driving, while I’m with friends, or even in the shower, haha! I’m constantly making new rhythms and new sounds in my head. As soon as I sit down in the studio, I get right to work and put it all down on paper. This song specifically came to me when I watched a documentary about this planet called Pollux. The name of the planet alone was so intriguing, I had to take inspiration from it.

Have you played this one out in any of your sets? If so, what was the response?
I played it in Paris, and it was unreal! It was cool, because it was actually the biggest crowd I have ever played for, and the lineup was stacked full of heavy bass acts! The response I got from it was pretty amazing, though.

What’s your favorite sound/synth/effect/etc. used here?
As of right now, Phase Modulation and Ableton’s Auto Filter are my favorites. The things you can do with Phase Modulation are crazy! Typically, you find them in Wave Table synths like Massive and Serum, but having a standalone VST that offers just phasing is really nice. Phase is nothing but delay; you could do it by just tweaking your normal delay plugin. Auto Filter by Ableton is by far my favorite go-to tool right now. It revamped my sound to what it is today, and you can definitely hear it in this track.

Pre-order Flatline Vol. 2 on iTunes.

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