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The quality assurance at Lost Records deserves a dancing ovation. The UK label has steadily become a ladder for producers who are willing to do away with tired trends and overused ideas. Wade undoubtedly falls into that category with his singular style, and he puts it to work on his latest outing, Irreversable. With two club-defeating tech jams in tow, the skybound Spaniard is a clutch addition to the imprint’s ever-impressive roster.

The Lost label bosses Leftwing & Kody couldn’t stand idly on the sidelines, so they suited up and tackled the titular track head-on. Replete with body-bruising basslines and oscillating, under-your-skin synths that come and go at the most opportune of times, L&K’s rework proves Wade is in the best of company.

Available December 18 via Lost Records.

Were you impulsive on this track, or did you have a sketch in mind before you started?
Yeah, it was kinda impulsive. We knew we wanted some rolling bassline and a crazy synth on it. We got the drums and bass locked in, and when we added the vocal for the build, we could just hear that sound we created in our heads, so we started designing that sound. It took a while, but we got there in the end.

Was there one particular moment in the recording or mixing process of this track that made you feel as though you were creating something pretty damn special?
It was when we managed to get that LFO synthline locked in; it took so long to get the speed of the wobble to how we wanted it. Also, it didn’t sit in the mix, so we created a new audio with the same part one octave higher and compressed the two parts together, and it solved everything.

What kind of response have you seen when you’ve played this out in your sets?
The response has been crazy for this track. It works everywhere we play, and people are always asking us what it is. A lot of our DJ friends have been playing it since we produced it, and they’ve all said the same thing!

How do you measure the “success” of a track?
We measure it a few ways. First, if we have created something from scratch that we feel is completely different from what we’ve previously done and that works, that’s a biggie. Next is when we send the music out for DJ promo and we get positive feedback from the A-listers and DJs we admire, as well as good reactions from press. That always makes us happy. The final thing would be chart positions. It’s not everything to get your track in the top 100, but it’s a benchmark in this industry—means it’s selling and people around the world are playing it, so that is always a great sign.

If this song were a color, what would it be?
If this track were a color, I’d say it would be dark green—f&@k knows why! But that’s what I see in my head when I hear it. 😉

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