Yheti Prepares to Get Weird With This Official bassPOD Mix for EDC Las Vegas 2018
With Electric Daisy Carnival Las Vegas only weeks away, it’s hard to believe the time has come to start preparing our minds, bodies, and souls for another epic adventure Under the Electric Sky! With a fresh new look for bassPOD due to be unveiled this year, as well as a heavy-hitting squad of bass-driven acts dropping heat all three nights of the festival, one of our favorite aspects of the lineup this year is the diverse range of heat Bassrush is hitting us with.
From rough and rugged drum & bass to deep and deadly half-time, there’s a little something for everyone. But nothing has us more amped than to dive head-first into the wild and wooly experimental headspace of Yheti.

As Yheti is due to drop his own unique, synapse-twisting style of bass on the masses alongside Toadface, we not only got him on the hook for putting together an official back-to-back bassPOD mix with his swamp-stomping homie, but we were also blessed to sit down with Yheti for an in-depth glimpse into the outer reaches of time and space—a place he calls home.
With more than 10 years in the studio crafting music, while also studying what Yheti calls “the psychology/sociology of art/party culture and all the different rabbit holes that entails,” the end result has been an output that defies all genre boundaries and serves as an “auditory reductionist reflection of years of experiences absorbing art and spending time with artists across the world via internet and 3D reality.”
Part shaman, part prophet, and full-on musical innovator, Yheti is the first to admit that interviews make him nervous, if only because it’s hard to put into language what it is he’s trying to do and communicate with music. Aside from pushing beyond the usual archetypes of dance music, Yheti’s main mission is to dissolve genre boundaries and escape the limitations that even language provides.
When asked how we should be describing his sound to the uninitiated, Yheti doesn’t hit us with a string of the usual descriptors; instead, he opts for a full-on narrative he hopes will capture the spirit of all that he brings to the fore: “Imagine if someone from the hood started going to festivals. One year later, this gangster takes an eighth of psychedelic mushrooms and gets lost in the forest. He never finds his way out of the forest, and as he is slowly dying from starvation, the hallucinations he is having are like my music.”
Ever the trickster figure, both in person and in the studio, Yheti is the first to admit he wants to “inspire people to take themselves less seriously and either laugh, cry, or hug someone ’cause the music is making them feel some type of way.” So, whether you’ve been a fan since he blew your mind at an underground deep in the forest somewhere, or you’re stoked to catch him live for the first time at bassPOD, Yheti promises the all-Yheti and -Toadface mix he’s hitting us with serves as the perfect appetizer for the main course still to come.
With a vibe that will either “tickle your soul” or have you feeling overwhelmed—“depending on your threshold”—Yheti promises to elevate the vibes to an even higher plane when he and Toadface step to the decks in Vegas. Or, as Yheti puts it: “Expect an experimental, playful, bass-heavy trip through many worlds of musical edits and interesting sounds, all flowing in an ever-changing, dancing pulse where you forget time and see the reality around you.”
We couldn’t have said it better ourselves.
- Yheti’s EDC Las Vegas 2018 Mix Track List:
Yheti & um.. “Beautiful”
Toadface & SFam “Chrome”
Yheti “Crack the Window”
Toadface & Roxas “Squad”
Yheti & the Widdler “New Ideas”
Toadface “Summoning Gamabunta”
Yheti & Toadface “Serious”
Yheti & Metapod “Ominous Combo”
Yheti, Toadface, Spankalicious “Epic Adventures”
Space Jesus & Bleep Bloop “Ichabod Crane” (Yheti Bootleg)
Toadface & Holly “Monkey Wrench”
Space Jesus & Esseks ft. DVS “Slomosapian” (Yheti Remix)
Toadface “Mystery Machine”
Yheti ft. Mt. Analogue “It’s Like That”
Toadface & DMVU & Yheti “Croneburg”
Yheti “Future Energy”
Toadface “Glands”
Yheti “Death Joke”
Toadface “Jawbreaker”
Yheti “Every Morning”
Toadface & Eazybaked - ID
Yheti “Southwest Ohio Trap”
Guccimen “Pnoid” (Toadface remix)
Liquid Stranger “Get Well Soon” (Yheti Remix)
Toadface “Chester”
Yheti, Toadface, Mt. Analogue “The Feels”
Space Jesus “Hmu (Yheti Remix)
Yheti & Toadface “Ghetto Karma”
Lil’ B “I Love You” (Yheti Bootleg)
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